Sometimes the disease is inherited, sometimes the cause is a strong mental shock, accident, the death of someone, a strong disappointment, Roengen rays etc. Prescribed solutions for hair restoration are the same as fighting baldness: Tincture of Cayenne-200 grams pepper to macerate 7-8 days in 100 ml of alcohol. There are made energy massages at the hair root twice a week. Propolis aintment, can be found in special stores-are made daily massages, vigorous massage, 3-4 weeks to 5-6 months until the hair starts to grow.
Apple cider vinegar- It is applyed on the scalp about 6 times a day, massaging gently.
Vinegar garlic-30 g garlic, 10 days to macerate in ½ liter of apple cider vinegar, apply compresses placed on the head and held all night.We recommend rest,quiet and drink 2-3 cups of tea daily primrose.
Walnut: Allow to boil ½ hour in 20 grams unsalted melted lard, 300 grame walnut buds.Blend the mixture in a mortar and keep the resulting mixture in a porcelain dish.Brush your scalp with this ointment,preferably after taking bath.
Energized water: it is obtained as follows-take: 250 gr water and place in container type shaker and shake 120 times.
Hair fall is driving me to despair right now and I really don't want to appear bald at the age of 30. I think I'll use those natural hair restoration Toronto procedures mentioned above....Maybe, with their help, I'll treat my hair loss once and for all. Thank you so much for this useful article!!!
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